Interview with KINGS VIEW BOOKS

Author of THE BLESSING OF HIS BLEEDING: Power in the Death and Shed Blood of Jesus Christ

My name is 'Don Okpombor. I am the CEO, Kings View Publishing House; an award-winning, high-ranking, Global Publishing Firm established in 2007. All the Bestselling books presented here are published and distributed by Kings View Publishing House.

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The “BLESSING OF HIS BLEEDING” is a revelation of the awesome power inherent in the Cross and Calvary. A solid understanding of the Cross and Calvary can bring an end to the majority of challenges in your life.


✓ The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross was God’s solution to your life’s complexities.
✓ The sacrifice of Christ was God’s rescue operation from all enemy claims on your life.
✓ The Cross of Calvary was and is the junction of exchange of your worst for God’s best.
✓ Jesus took your place in death so you could take His place in life. And, because of Calvary, you can stand boldly and say, “I OWE THE DEVIL NOTHING!”

Beyond all these, the DEATH of JESUS was meant to handle MANY MORE THINGS in your life...

★ What are these things?
★ How can they benefit you?
★ How do you make them a reality in your life?

That is what this book aims to help you achieve by His grace.