Interview with Biff Mitchell

Author of Boston Jonson in Murder by Burger

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How would you describe 'Murder by Burger' to a new reader?
  • In the late 21st Century, A body is found in the headquarters of the world’s largest fast food franchise, Barto Burger, creators of the world’s first completely cloned hamburger. The president of the company, Gansheng Barto, has apparently eaten himself to death on his own burgers. Is it really suicide, or is it murder by burger. It’s time to bring in Boston Jonson, crime consultant extraordinaire, to use his unorthodox mixture of Zen, insults, and hula hula shirts to unravel a startling mystery. With this rubbing alcohol-swilling sidekick, the beautiful dark-eyed Marlee Dunn, Boston dives into a jungle of underground catacombs, mad scientists, homicidal public relations managers, gargoyles, and a corporate world gone mad with genetic engineering, cloning and cruelty to old people.
What was the inspiration behind 'Murder by Burger' ?
  • I had an interest in cloning and tried envision where it might lead. And of course, like most science applied in the commercial world, it lead to making more money...with disastrous consequences.
Which authors do you admire? How have they influenced your writing style?
  • I like the Beat writers, including my favorite (who for some reason is rarely associated with the Beat Movement and more so with the Hippie Movement). That would be Richard Brautigan. Everyone should read “In Watermelon Sugar” once a year for their entire lives. I also read Tom Robbins, Christopher Moore, Hemingway, Tim Dorsey, Dashiell Hammet, Chuck Palahniuk, Dan Simmons and any writer who breaks away from the norm in storytelling.

    I think most of these writers have given me direction in writing humor that has no interest in political correctness and stories that go beyond anything that can be termed ‘normal.’
Can you tell us a little about the locations in your book?
  • The book is set in the city of Saint John (New Brunswick, Canada) a mid-size Atlantic coast city in the disturbingly near future. Almost the entire downtown area is the location of a giant cathedral-like building housing the the corporate headquarters for the world's largest fast food company...Barto Burgers. Fog seems to enshroud the entire area permanently.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
  • Don’t even think about being published. If you do, you’ll be writing for your audience and not for yourself. It’ll be similar to butt-kissing in the corporate world. Always write for yourself and write every day.

    Don’t ever think that anything you’ve written is anywhere near finished until you’ve revised and re-written at least half a dozen times.

    Don’t sleepI get an idea. I fill a hard cover notebook (that I carry everywhere along with pens) with everything I can think about the story for a few months (I called this the story dump).

    Then I create a story board on my living room wall with cards for every scene.

    This gives me a chance to see the whole picture at a glance and identify those areas that need more writing and those that can be dropped or merged with other scenes.

    I don’t write the first word of the first paragraph until I’ve completed all the character studies and have a fairly stable story board.

    When the first draft is finished, I put it away for a few months before I start the re-writing and editing.

What's your writing process?
  • I get an idea. I fill a hard cover notebook (that I carry everywhere along with pens) with everything I can think about the story for a few months (I called this the story dump).

    Then I create a story board on my living room wall with cards for every scene.

    This gives me a chance to see the whole picture at a glance and identify those areas that need more writing and those that can be dropped or merged with other scenes.

    I don’t write the first word of the first paragraph until I’ve completed all the character studies and have a fairly stable story board.

    When the first draft is finished, I put it away for a few months before I start the re-writing and editing.
Which character in 'Murder by Burger' has had the greatest impact on readers?
  • Boston Johnson, the hula-hula shirt-wearing crime consultant is the character with the greatest impact with his Zen-stile approach to solving crimes.
If 'Murder by Burger' were to be adapted for TV or film, who would you see in the lead role? Who did you have in your mind’s eye when you wrote him/her?
  • Definitely Johnny Depp.
How have readers responded to 'Murder by Burger'?
  • Had a lot of great reviews on Amazon, which disappeared when my new publisher (Fiction4All) re-posted the title. Seems that sets the reviews back to nothing.
Where next? What are you working on now?
  • I have three more novels on the go along with a weekly serialized story called 'The Existential Adventures of Crazy Man and the Dog Sidestepper.' (
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In the late 21st Century, A body is found in the headquarters of the world’s largest fast food franchise, Barto Burger, creators of the world’s first completely cloned hamburger. The president of the company, Gansheng Barto, has apparently eaten himself to death on his own burgers. Is it really suicide, or is it murder by burger. It’s time to bring in Boston Jonson, crime consultant extraordinaire, to use his unorthodox mixture of Zen, insults, and hula hula shirts to unravel a startling mystery. With this rubbing alcohol-swilling sidekick, the beautiful dark-eyed Marlee Dunn, Boston dives into a jungle of underground catacombs, mad scientists, homicidal public relations managers, gargoyles, and a corporate world gone mad with genetic engineering, cloning and cruelty to old people.