Interview with S. Lewis-Campbell

Author of McGauran’s Beach

I’m an author, editor, ghostwriter, publisher and writing coach. I have three publications available on Kindle: McGauran’s Beach, McGauran’s Beach, The Betrayal and Thirty-Nine Steps; a Nations Glory and I am the ghostwriter of several other manuscripts.

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How would you describe your book to your readers?
  • Not your typical beach romance novel.
What was the inspiration behind McGauran’s Beach ?
  • Personal experience
Which authors do you admire? How have they influenced your writing style?
  • J. K Rowling, Maya Angelou, Jax Etta.
Can you tell us a little about the locations in the book?
  • The locations covered, include up to twenty-eight destinations including the UK, Australia, Bali, Amsterdam, Dubai and Brunei.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors? How would you advise a new author about traditional publishing versus self publishing?
  • It’s an amazing experience to be published, but these opportunities are rare and can be challenging in a saturated market. Self-Publishing works and provides Authors with confidence as they learn the process of self-publishing.
What's your writing process?
  • Develop a loose outline and then begin the writing process, which is typed direct on to a laptop.
Which character has had the greatest impact.
  • The main character the narrator in McGauran’s Beach.
McGauran’s Beach were to be adapted for TV or film, who would you see in the lead role? Who did you have in your mind’s e ye when you wrote him/her
  • Kerry Washington
How have readers responded to McGauran’s Beach?
  • Extremely well, it still surprises me how relatable readers have found the novel.
Where next? What are you working on now?
  • This is the first novel in the Trilogy.
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McGauran's Beach is a true story and personal account of the Author's first trip to Australia. It documents the purpose of the journey and the profound affects experienced, travelling to a country as a foreigner and black woman. It highlights racism, prejudice, betrayal, love and romance.