Interview with Sara Wilke

Author of Kitten Sorceress

SJ Wilke has spent a lifetime or two in the world of IT and Psychology. She’s traveled the physical world and explored the psyche of herself and those around her. She likes to create stories that make you lose time, fall into another place, and leave eality.

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Quick description of the book for a new reader - what should they expect?
  • Kitten Sorceress is a fast pace adventure about a young girl, who is rapidly growing up and discovering who she is. It is whimsical, dramatic, and humorous. Full of good friends. Good and bad times. Magic. And kittens.
What was your inspiration for this book?
  • I can't always write the books I want to write. Sometimes my cats tie me down and dictate what they want. Apparently, magic and cats go hand-in-hand. Plus my are the adventurous sort, as long as they don't have to leave the couch, there is plenty of food, and the story features magic and kittens.
Which authors do you admire? How have they influenced your writing style?
  • I am me. I am unique. Now with that said, I don't read much of any author other than my own stuff. The reason isn't because I don't want to or don't enjoy their work, but that I want my work to be uninfluenced by any other author. Of course, I read tons and tons of books before I started writing.
Can you tell us a little about the locations in your book?
  • If I did that, it would ruin the plot.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
  • Any one can write, but not all can write well. Do you have a story to tell? Or are you looking for ideas? Writers are story tellers. Write your story, but make it your own. If someone had to give you an idea, than it isn't your story.
Could you talk a little about your writing process?
  • I write everyday because that is what I do. I don't write an outline. I just start writing. I know how I want my opening scene to be. I know how the book should end. Then I fill in the middle with life.
Which character has had the greatest impact on readers?
  • The character I am going to mention isn't in this book. Nattie from my Bitten Series has impacted people the most.
If the book were to be adapted for TV or film, who would you see in the lead role? Who did you have in your mind’s eye ?
  • I think most of this book would end up CGI. They could cast me as the hag.
How have readers responded ?
  • I have one follower who stated it best:
    For anyone who's already a fan of sjwilke, this is a must. For those who aren' should be. Her books are not cookie cutter. Each series and stand-alone book is distinct and vibrant.
Where next? What are you working on now?
  • I'm always working on a book. I have demands for book 7 of the Bitten series. And I have a book on the burner called Wrench's Girl, which is a dystopia and motorhead type books.
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Annora is a peasant girl with an unusual ability. Most see her as a beggar surrounded by cats. They tolerate her only because she is willing to do the dirty jobs. But after black death dogs attack her village, and she protects them with kittens, a small group of warriors, take her within their fold. Is she a sorceress? Or something bigger? One man is willing to find out if she is the answer to end the black death that threatens to swallow the country. Even if he doesn’t like cats, or the fact his horse, trained to only serve one master, has decided to be her horse first, and him second.
What started as a journey to bring peace to the land results in the discovery of a lifetime. And a journey that none of them will ever forget.