Interview with Deidre Hall

Author of Poisoned Mind, The True Story of Deidre Ann

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Quick description of the book for a new reader - what should they expect?
  • Expect to be riveted. Survival in a big world....alone.
What was your inspiration for this book?
  • True story.
Which authors do you admire? How have they influenced your writing style?
  • I don't have favorite authors. My writing style is my own....uneducated.
Can you tell us a little about the locations in your book?
  • Victoria, British Columbia.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
  • Be real.
Could you talk a little about your writing process?
  • My writing process took me ten years of emotional exhaustion to write it. I kept stopping because of the pain and anxiety I go through with the PTSD I have been diagnosed with through all that abuse.
Which character has had the greatest impact on readers?
  • The main character....
If the book were to be adapted for TV or film, who would you see in the lead role? Who did you have in your mind’s eye ?
  • Blake Lively.
How have readers responded ?
  • So far, shocked and what I was told....rivetted.
Where next? What are you working on now?
  • Just trying to get this book noticed first.
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A true story of survival since childhood. Growing up in an angry dividing household of abuse that led to the future of non sensical actions by the main character and those that kept abusing her and taking advantage of that. Police corruption in Victoria BC that was investigated and then .... silence. Told if I wrote the book, I would be found dead somewhere....BY the police themselves. Led into trying to save herself but not being strong enough to make wise decisions, leading to more abuse and eventually a crime that changed everything.