Interview with Sara Wilke

Author of Seroje: The Seeing Eye

SJ Wilke has spent a lifetime or two in the world of IT and Psychology. She’s traveled the physical world and explored the psyche of herself and those around her. She likes to create stories that make you lose time, fall into another place, and leave eality.

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How would you describe Seroje: The Seeing Eye to a new reader?
  • Seroje is an autistic young woman who wants to live a simple life. However, life is never simple. This book is how she copes and adjusts when life throws her some wild curve balls.
What was the inspiration behind Seroje: The Seeing Eye ?
  • I am also on the autistic spectrum and I thought it was time to write a book with an autistic character.
Which authors do you admire? How have they influenced your writing style?
  • Most writers are influenced by other writers. However, I rarely read other books other than my own. I don't watch televisions and rarely go to movies. I have an overactive imagination and I use my own life experiences with a little twist of insanity (okay, a whole lot of a twist) .
Can you tell us a little about the locations in your book?
  • This is, as of the date of this interview, the only book where I located it in a real location. The book occurs in Annapolis, Maryland.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
  • You are a story teller. A story needs to develop. You can no rush into it. Also remember as the character goes through the story that life happens - yes, they may need to solve a mystery, but they still need to eat, use the bathroom, and pay the bills.
What's your writing process?
  • I usually get a cover made first out of the idea I have. Once the cover is complete, that is my cue to write the book.I know what I want to happen. I start with the first chapter which always introduces the main character, then I write the ending. All that is left is to fill in the middle.
Which character in Seroje: The Seeing Eye has had the greatest impact on readers?
  • Seroje is a deep character with simple needs, yet she shows that she can step out of her comfort zone when needed.
If Seroje: The Seeing Eye were to be adapted for TV or film, who would you see in the lead role? Who did you have in your mind’s eye when you wrote him/her?
  • I'd need a female Dustin Hoffman.
How have readers responded to Seroje: The Seeing Eye
  • I've seen much enthusiasm from readers when they find an autistic woman who can kick-ass and stand up for herself.
Where next? What are you working on now?
  • I continue to work on my Bitten and Banter series with a few other books thrown in to mix things up.
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Seroje is a high-functioning autistic with a photographic memory. She has found a niche in mainstream society, hired as an investigator by OSLO, a watchdog company, because of her unique ability to observe, recall and report with a high degree of detail. But OSLO prefers well-balanced employees and, as a loner, she’s become a blip on their radar. So when quiet billionaire Craig Manor asks her out to dinner, she agrees, thinking to please her employers. When Craig becomes her next assignment after a failed attempt on his life, she even begins to enjoy his company. But why is she being followed? Why does she feel everyone is after her--Including OSLO and Craig, the one man she thought she could trust?