Interview with Lel Meleyal

Author of Everyday Wendy

LF Meleyal – Lel to her friends – spent her professional years in social work and academia before she decided to fully commit to her writing. Everyday Wendy is her first novel. It draws upon personal experiences of sadness, great joy, crazy aspiration and the importance of family. When she isn’t writing – which is not very often – Lel harbours ambition to play the harmonica, is a fan of jazz, blues and folk music and lives by the sea in Scarborough with her wife and Cavachon pup.

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How would you describe 'Everyday Wendy' to a new reader?
  • Everyday Wendy is a funny, light-hearted book about how a woman, gently dissatisfied with her ordinary life seeks to change it. In her journey, impacted by two unforeseen and monumental events, she meets a diverse cast of characters who introduce her to new ways of being and understanding her world.
What was the inspiration behind 'Everyday Wendy' ?
  • Joy! I spent time with a person navigating very challenging life terrains and even in the most difficult times, she hung on to the fun. joy and frivolity of life. She inspired me to think about what makes life joyful and Everyday Wendy is the result.
Which authors do you admire? How have they influenced your writing style?
  • I read a broad range of genres and all authors contribute something to our own way of thinking about the world and how we write them. I admire authors who manage to create worlds, voices and characters that readers really connect with and care about. Feedback from readers of Everyday Wendy tells me they love the characters and experience them as friends so I would say that authors where the character is central are the biggest influence.
Can you tell us a little about the locations in your book?
  • I don't mention locations specifically but the eagle-eyed reader might be able to identify places along the East Coast of Yorkshire in the UK in my descriptions.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
  • Character must come first - even more important than plot. A good plot cannot carry a story without characters readers invest in. The character will suggest direction and content to make even a strong plot richer and deeper so, give time to character development.
What's your writing process?
  • I am a morning person. I try to write words - as many as I can - most days before 8am (I am a bit less disciplined at the weekend). I plan and plot or write my blog at other times of the day but when I am writing a novel, I am an early bird.
Which character in 'Everyday Wendy' has had the greatest impact on readers?
  • Wendy Wooldridge definitely! Wendy is an ordinary woman. She is approaching 60 and whilst not dissatisfied with life she wants adventure but doesn't know what form it might or could take. She signs up to do a hula hooping course on a whim and meets a group of people who enable her to enter worlds and experiences she could never have accessed on her own. As two life-changing events have a significant impact on her life, the new friends help her navigate her new realities.
If 'Everyday Wendy' were to be adapted for TV or film, who would you see in the lead role? Who did you have in your mind’s eye when you wrote him/her?
  • I think every author ponders this and if they say not, they are fibbing! I would like to see Emma Thompson as Wendy. She would be a marvellous Wendy Wooldridge.
How have readers responded to 'Everyday Wendy'?
  • The book has received fantastic feedback. 'Captivating, life-affirming and incredible' said one reviewer. Another 'highly recommended' said it was a ‘can’t put down’ novel... (that) reads like you are in conversation with a best friend. It will make you laugh out loud whilst re-evaluating your life priorities'.
Where next? What are you working on now?
  • I am working on my next novel while continuing my regular blog posts at
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Wendy Wooldridge has a perfectly ordinary life but wants something more. Two momentous events change her life forever - one firms her resolve to become the woman she wants to be, the other provides the means.